
Living Stone

"A simple layman armed with Scripture is greater than the mightiest pope without it."

Martin Luther


Everyone at Living Stone started with Groundwork, Living Stone’s 12-week Bible basics course. This typically looks like a small group meeting with Pastor Belter in a casual setting. In Groundwork, Pastor Belter covers topics like how we’re saved, what the Bible is and how we got it, baptism, and holy communion.

This is a safe place to ask honest questions and get Biblical answers.

12-WEEK Bible Basics Class

Interested in Groundwork?

Click to get it on your calendar.


After Groundwork, Pastor Belter offers Fieldwork, a course that focuses on Discipleship and Outreach—our calling to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28). We each have a part to play within our circle of influence: the people we surround ourselves with, the people for whom Christ died.

This is a chance to sort out your unique role in sharing the gift of the gospel with others.


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