Living Stone is a community-oriented, family-friendly church located at the base of the Rocky Mountain foothills.

We connect you to Jesus and Each other.

Join us for worship on Sundays at


What is a Living Stone?

1 Peter 2:4-5 says, “4 As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— 5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

Jesus is the Living Stone. He builds us upon himself into a spiritual house and calls us living stones, to display God in the world. The name exemplifies how believers are on a stone foundation of the gospel. They are connected to Christ and because they are built together, they are connected to one another.


What's the difference between Lutherans and other Christians?

Lutherans are Christians! They confess Jesus as the Savior and the Triune God as the one and only God. Lutherans are a biblically based denomination meaning all our teachings come from the Bible alone. Lutherans believe people are saved by grace alone, through faith in Christ Jesus, alone. Want to learn more? Sign-up for our Groundwork class to learn what the Bible and Lutherans teach, as well as discover some of the differences between Lutherans and other Christian denominations.  


What's on your mind?

What’s the difference between Lutherans and other Christians?

What are worship services like?

What time(s) do you offer services?

Why should I join this church specifically?

Who is the pastor? Am I able to connect with him?

What are worship services like?

We strive to honor the past and incorporate the present through our style. We incorporate elements that have been foundational to the Christian church for years, such as the Apostles and Nicene creeds and the Lord’s Prayer. We are grateful for our gifted pianists, guitarists, and singers, who you may hear playing a traditional hymn alongside a modern worship song during the same service. Our worship style is done in such a way to enable the worshiper to participate in congregational singing or speaking, or just enjoy and soak it all in.


What's on your mind?

What’s the difference between Lutherans and other Christians?

What are worship services like?

What time(s) do you offer services?

Why should I join this church specifically?

Who is the pastor? Am I able to connect with him?

Why should I join this church specifically?

If you’re looking for a family-friendly, community-centered church that’s focused on connection to Jesus and growth in the truth of God’s Word, you should consider joining Living Stone. 


What's on your mind?

What’s the difference between Lutherans and other Christians?

What are worship services like?

What time(s) do you offer services?

Why should I join this church specifically?

Who is the pastor? Am I able to connect with him?

Who is the pastor? Am I able to connect with him?

Pastor Belter has been at Living Stone since August 2018, when he and his family moved to Arvada to plant this church. He is happy to meet with you for any reason at any time. Just contact him at


What's on your mind?

What’s the difference between Lutherans and other Christians?

What are worship services like?

What time(s) do you offer services?

Why should I join this church specifically?

Who is the pastor? Am I able to connect with him?

Will I just be another number?

A priority for Living Stone is to offer personal, individualized pastoral care. Our mission is to connect YOU to Jesus and one another. You are a special creation of God and we will minister to you as such. You are always encouraged to reach out to Pastor Belter if you have questions or would like to visit for a while. 
When you become a member of Living Stone, you’ll be connected with one of our Cairns: your dedicated fellowship group. As our church grows, these Cairns ensure you always feel rooted in your church community. 

What is a mission church?

Living Stone is a mission church, also called a church plant. Members and leaders of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church identified the need for a Biblical church in the northwest Arvada area. A group of outreach-oriented individuals from that church started our church in 2019. We’re currently in the process of building it from the ground up — figuratively and literally — as God blesses us with the gifts to do so. For now, this means we operate out of a rented facility. Being a mission church also means that we’re all-in on outreach: sharing the good news of the gospel with our friends and neighbors.

Step One

Check. You're doing it now! Browse around our website and our social media pages to learn more about us. You may want to explore our Community or Living Stone Kids pages.

Step Two

Subscribe to Pastor Jeremy's weekly Monday Minute email devotional. Then, try out our printable Devotional Day Planner on your own or with your family.

Step Three

Join us in person for worship or schedule coffee with Pastor Jeremy. Take your time and join us when you're ready. We can't wait to meet you!

Printable Devotional
Day Planner


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