
Living Stone

Do not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.


Why do we worship?

We believe that worship is a gift from God. It is our opportunity to offer praise and thanks, receive forgiveness though the gospel, and offer encouragement to our brothers and sisters who attend alongside us.

At living Stone

Music in Worship

Music is central to worship at Living Stone. We are grateful for our gifted pianists, guitarists, and singers, who you may hear playing a traditional hymn alongside a modern worship song during the same service. The music in our services is done in such a way to enable the worshiper to participate in congregational singing, or just enjoy and soak it all in. 

At Living Stone

Scripture alone.

The Bible is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path (Psalm 119:105). That's why everything we do and say during worship is based on the Bible with nothing added or taken away. Pastor Jeremy spends time during the week planning and writing a sermon message that contains both law and gospel, as well as practical applications for today.

Sermons at Living Stone

Will I understand the service flow?

The basic structure of worship remains roughly the same week to week with interactive portions, hymns or songs, a sermon message, communion, and prayer. Our printed worship guide walks you through each portion of the service. The service focuses our attention on Jesus through the songs and Scripture readings.  


Will I understand the service flow?

Will I be forced to participate in speaking and singing?

What if I arrive late and the service has already started?

What if I need to leave the service early?

Do I have to give an offering?

New to worship at Living Stone?

Will I be forced to participate in speaking and singing?

We’ll never force you to participate. All interaction within the service is done as a group — there are no “spotlight” moments on individuals.
Bible class has a few opportunities for voluntary interaction. You’ll never be called out to read or answer questions.
That being said, we try our best to make sure you’re never confused or lost during worship so that you can easily participate if you wish to do so.


Will I understand the service flow?

Will I be forced to participate in speaking and singing?

What if I arrive late and the service has already started?

What if I need to leave the service early?

Do I have to give an offering?

New to worship at Living Stone?

What if I arrive late and the service has already started?

That’s not a problem. God doesn’t care about “on time”. Our Hospitality Team will make sure you have a worship guide and help you find a seat. 


Will I understand the service flow?

Will I be forced to participate in speaking and singing?

What if I arrive late and the service has already started?

What if I need to leave the service early?

Do I have to give an offering?

New to worship at Living Stone?

What if I need to leave the service early?

We certainly look forward to a time we can enjoy fellowship with you, but don’t sweat leaving early. We are thankful to have you in worship with us.


Will I understand the service flow?

Will I be forced to participate in speaking and singing?

What if I arrive late and the service has already started?

What if I need to leave the service early?

Do I have to give an offering?

New to worship at Living Stone?

Do I have to give an offering?

Members of Living Stone view their offering as a way to worship God and give thanks. Our offerings support the mission of their church body (WELS) and local congregation (Living Stone). Visitors should not feel obligated to give, however, if you would like to support our ministry we have online and in-person opportunities to do that.


Will I understand the service flow?

Will I be forced to participate in speaking and singing?

What if I arrive late and the service has already started?

What if I need to leave the service early?

Do I have to give an offering?

New to worship at Living Stone?

Printable Devotional
Day Planner


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